Sunday, December 06, 2009

I've done it! Yesterday I  bought a new bike, a Triumph Bonneville. I could not resist the unique custom paint job. Its painted in Triumph Thunderbird Pacific Blue and Fusion White. Below is a picture of the Thunderbird that provided inspiration for the paint scheme.


I had a test ride at Three Cross Motorcycles and could not believe how easy it was to ride, far easier than the GS500 on which I took my test. The engine has oodles of torque ; no need to change down for roundabouts and it has a very progressive clutch. But the most impressive aspect of the bike was the handling. I was expecting a lumbering, heavy feel as this is a retro bike after all. However the bike tipped in very easily and felt very agile.

I have specified a few extras.
  • Tacho
  • Alarm / Immobiliser
  • Knee pads
  • Fork gaiters
  • Luggage rack
  • Center stand
  • Locking petrol cap - (why is this not standard?) 

I'll be keeping the YBR125 for rainy days when I need to commute.


Keith said...

Very Nice looking machine Paul.. Invest in some anti corrrosion spray like FS 635 from the Scottoiler people (I've heard it's pretty good) because it looks like there are a million nooks and crannies for the dirt and salt to get into on the Bonnie'

Mark Phillips said...

Hi Paul,
Glad to see that common sense has finally hit and you've got a proper bike! We must go for a run out sometime when the weather improves.
I still have the Bandit 1250 and have booked a tour in europe 23/5 to 8/6 leaving Santander through Spanish Pyranees to Med, then France to Italy, up to the lakes, over Stelvio Pass to Switzerland and then Italy, France and back to Sanatnder. About 2800 miles in all.
Giove me a call when you have time and we'll get together
By the way if you need anything for the bike, or biking gear (helmets/clothing/maintenance items/bike to bike radios etc) then remember that Matthew works at Smartriders in Christchurch and can always do you a good deal.
Mark Phillips